Poland is our common home
empowerment of vulnerable groups
City (headquarters):
Voivodeship (headquarters):
04-01-2021 - 31-01-2023
Project cost:
75 000,00 EUR
75 000,00 EUR
Types of activities:
self-organization / self-help
Target groups:

In the last decade, the number of foreigners in Poland has increased significantly. At the beginning of 2020, there were approximately one million of them, of which more than 80,000 had permanent residency. As a result of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in 2022, these numbers have increased many times over. Although foreigners can legally live, work and study in Poland, they face many difficulties on their way to full citizenship rights – in addition to the legal difficulties involved in obtaining citizenship, they face social barriers. They are often offered undervalued salaries, work in the grey economy, work at night, and are delegated to perform the most onerous activities. Inspections by the National Labour Inspectorate (PIP) reveal abuses committed by employers against foreign workers: non-compliance with working hours, non-payment of overtime, failure to grant holidays. Unfortunately, the government presented cultural and religious diversity as a threat. Anti-refugee rhetoric has resulted in a deterioration of attitudes among Poles towards foreigners, especially refugees.

The project developed and implemented several educational programmes targeting different groups: Academy of Cultural Mentors (8 weekend sessions) and Academy of Cultural Educators (6 sessions). Educators prepared 7 cultural and educational initiatives targeting migrants. Young people from migrant and refugee families took part in the Activism Academy, which focused on self-advocacy. There was also a programme of Intercultural Volunteering for people who wanted to teach the Polish language to adults and children and support children to get a better start in school.

Those participating in the Academy for Cultural Mentors (11 people) learned how to support migrants and resolve conflicts, while those participating in the Academy for Cultural Educators (17 people) increased their competences related to planning, organising and leading group activities. Young people participating in the Activism Academy (11 people) learned about human and children’s rights issues and developed self-advocacy competences. The project involved 44 foreigners and 63 volunteers from Poland. The result of the project is the active inclusion of both foreigners and Poles in the integration process.

We use the grant for capacity building

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