STOP violence, discrimination, aggression – women, spread your wings
human rights
City (headquarters):
Nowy Sącz
Voivodeship (headquarters):
20-11-2021 - 19-11-2023
Project cost:
30 029,53 EUR
29 999,98 EUR
Types of activities:
information activities, intervention actions and assistance for women exposed to violence, including domestic and sexual violence, legal support, psychological support
Target groups:
women, local community

This project addresses the issue of abuse of women, including young women with disabilities in the county of Nowosądecki. Gender-based violence is common and can happen to anyone regardless of age or material standing. The pandemic exacerbated the problem – there are twice as many requests for help than prior to the pandemic. Meanwhile, violence victims have limited options for getting support. The local violence prevention system is underfunded and does not provide adequate, comprehensive help. The most recent monitoring confirmed a number of shortcomings and irregularities in Blue Card procedures in the Małopolski voivodship.
The Project Promoter will take aid and awareness-raising measures. 45 abused women will receive legal advice and psychological counselling. The Project Promoter will also hold twenty meetings for women, including training on human rights or for instance psychotherapy workshops, fifty art therapy workshops, and three self-defence training sessions. A conference on abuse of women will be held for local authorities and specialists in law, psychology, sociology, the judiciary, representatives of aid institutions, and the media. Campaigns will also be aimed at the local community. This will include exhibitions of works of workshop female participants, performances, and events in shopping centres. The Project Promoter will also issue a brochure on gender-based violence.

We use the grant for capacity building

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