Tęczówka daje poMOC/Help from the Rainbow
human rights
City (headquarters):
Voivodeship (headquarters):
01-10-2021 - 31-03-2023
in progress
Project cost:
30 000,00 EUR
30 000,00 EUR
Types of activities:
intervention actions and assistance for lgbt+ people exposed to violence, including domestic and sexual violence, legal support, psychological support
Target groups:
LGBT+, professionals

This concerns increasing prejudice, violence, and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity in Śląsk, an element of the political and media smear campaign directed towards LGBT+ people in recent years. One example is local government homophobic LGBT-free zones, which now cover 30% of Poland, and the Stop LGBT bill now in the Sejm, intended to ban gay pride marches. This hate campaign is accompanied by social radicalization and increasing homophobia and transphobia. Meanwhile, LGBT+ people experience minority stress and depression, and have suicidal thoughts five times more frequently than heteronormative people. More than 60% have recently experienced hate-related violence, and 70% conceal their orientation at school due to fear for fear of the reaction.
The Project Promoter will provide free psychological and legal aid for approximately 230 LGBT+ people, including psychological counseling and legal advice, on-call emergency online and e-mail support, and support groups (two groups of twenty). In total, 230 people will use the emergency support service. In the same period, there will be three training sessions for various professional groups, including psychologists, therapists, and people working in education and public authorities (50 people). Supervision will be available for people providing psychological support for LGBT+ people. The Project Promoter will also issue three brochures – two for LGBT+ people on the available psychological and legal support, and one for the local community, including professionals in various sectors, with information about LGBT+ people.
The psychological and legal support will also improve lives of LGBT+ people in Śląsk, help them deal with difficult discrimination experiences, and improve self-acceptance and self-esteem. The Śląsk community, especially people working in education and public authorities, and providing psychological support, will be more sensitive of LGBT+ community issues.

We use the grant for capacity building

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