The Rule of Law Institute Foundation
organisational grant
City (headquarters):
Voivodeship (headquarters):
01-05-2022 - 30-04-2024
in progess
Project cost:
100 000,00 EUR
100 000,00 EUR

The Rule of Law Institute Foundation works in the fields of protection of the rights of migrants and refugees, counselling and legal education, monitoring and research. The addressees of its activities are institutions and bodies of governmental and local authorities, social organisations and, within the framework of direct assistance, people exposed to exclusion and discrimination, victims of torture and rape, orphans, victims of armed conflicts and violence. The Foundation provides legal assistance to foreigners and refugees in the eastern part of the country and on the Belarusian-Polish and Ukrainian-Polish borders. RLI coordinates the legal department of the Lublin Social Committee for Ukraine, and for more than 10 years it has also run the Lublin Regional Immigrant Support Network, which brings together organisations and offices dealing with migration issues in order to better coordinate their activities. RLI also runs an Information Centre for Foreigners in Lublin. RLI is a team of experienced lawyers who provide assistance to people at the border, in open and guarded centres for foreigners. Since 2016 it has been involved in nearly 800 cases, providing direct assistance to foreigners under the refugee procedure. RLI staff assist foreigners, servicing all centres for foreigners on the territory of Poland, including places created in 2021 in the wave of the crisis on the Belarusian-Polish border. The Foundation is one of 3 organisations offering free legal assistance in appeals procedures before the Refugee Council. Thanks to the organizational grant, RLI is planning, inter alia, a report on the migration situation on the Polish-Belarusian border in 2020-2022, preparation of applications to District Courts for compensation for wrongful deprivation of liberty, interventions in District Courts in cases of placement of foreigners in Guarded Centres for Foreigners, complaints to the European Court of Human Rights in cases of placement of foreigners in detention.

The organisation received an additional grant of EUR 8,000.00 to enhance the products and results achieved under this grant.

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