United against violence
human rights
City (headquarters):
Nowy Sącz
Voivodeship (headquarters):
01-10-2021 - 28-02-2023
Project cost:
25 000,00 EUR
25 000,00 EUR
Types of activities:
counteracting gender-based violence, intervention actions and assistance for women exposed to violence, including domestic and sexual violence
Target groups:
local government, officials and employees of public institutions, persons experiencing violence

The project responds to the problem of insufficient systemic support for women experiencing violence in the district of Nowy Sącz. Unfortunately, this problem is part of the broader socio-political context. The state authorities have been announcing the denunciation of the so-called anti-violence convention for years and have not taken any significant action against violence. Meanwhile, in recent years, during the Covid-19 pandemic and lockdown, the problem has intensified and the number of reported cases of violence has increased significantly. In addition, in the district of Nowy Sącz, the Crisis Intervention Centre was incorporated into the Municipal Social Welfare Centre, which had the effect, among other things, on limiting the offer of assistance, as well as moving the prevention of violence lower on the list of local priorities.

The project offered comprehensive assistance to women experiencing gender-based violence. First, 107 women benefited from psychological and legal consultations and therapeutic support. In addition, four women with a history of violence participated in the therapeutic and development programme ‘Women’s Rights Leaders’; the programme prepared them for community-based work in local communities. Project Promoter also carried out monitoring of the local domestic violence prevention system: analysed and discussed the practices of support institutions. On the basis of the monitoring, an expert report with recommendations for local institutions and authorities was prepared. The report provides guidelines for the local action plan and focuses on improving the quality and accessibility of the support offer to women experiencing violence.

Thanks to the project, women experiencing violence in the Nowy Sącz district received comprehensive psychological and legal support. The Project Promoter offer filled the gap in the local domestic violence prevention system and had a positive impact on the availability of support. The participation of four women in the development-therapy programme provided them with an opportunity for personal development and prepared them for their commitment to women’s rights. The critical analysis of the local domestic violence prevention system and the recommendations developed were forwarded to local decision-makers and aid institutions. The publication of the report and its dissemination became a contribution to the local debate on the quality and effectiveness of the aid system and the gaps in it.

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