Meetings in Poland in 2020 – schedule and information packs
04 May 2020

At the meetings, the organizers talked about the basic principles of the Programme and the first call for proposals, and the challenges the funded areas face. They provided inspiring examples of activities, and answered questions. Each meeting also included a workshop. Representatives of social organizations were able to develop their own ideas for projects.

Meeting schedule
Opole (jointly organized by Laboratory for Changes Foundation) – 5.02
Koszalin (jointly organized by Non-government Workshop Association) – 13.02
Białystok (jointly organized by NGO Support Centre) – 18.02
Zielona Góra (jointly organized by BABA Lubuskie Women’s Accociation) – 20.02
Rzeszów (jointly organized by ) – 24.02
Ełk (jointly organized by Ełk Municipal Authority) – 27.02
Olsztyn (jointly organized by Olsztyń Food Bank) – 2.03
Kielce (jointly organized by Regional Volunteer Centre) – 4.03

Summary of the awareness-raising campaign in Poland in February and March 2020 (in Polish):

Information packs for workshops held at meetings:

Presentation  – Area 1 Civil participation in public affairs and social activities/Prezentacja – Obszar 1. Angażowanie obywateli i obywatelek w sprawy publiczne i działania społeczne

Presentation – Area 2 Defending Human Rights and Equality/Prezentacja – Obszar 2. Ochrona praw człowieka i równe traktowanie

Presentation – Area 3 Empowerment of vulnerable groups/Prezentacja – Obszar 3. Wzmocnienie grup narażonych na wykluczenie

Project index card (problem/need/change)/Fiszka projektowa (problem/potrzeba/zmiana)



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