Good law for social organizations – think centrally, act locally
civic sector development
City (headquarters):
Voivodeship (headquarters):
08-03-2021 - 31-05-2023
in progess
Project cost:
108 988,00 EUR
108 988,00 EUR

A main objective of our project is to simplify formal and legal conditions for Polish social organizations. An indirect objective is to increase the capabilities of local organizations to conduct advocacy activities in this matter.

The project responds to the problem of increasing formal requirements imposed on organizations, which render it more difficult for citizens to get involved and discouraging them from acting for others and a common good. Unfortunately, instead of lessening, such barriers are increasing year after year, which is confirmed by the report entitled “The condition of non-governmental organizations in 2018″ prepared by the Klon/Jawor Association, which indicated that the red tape in public administration is a problem hindering activities of 59% organizations. Such a state of affairs results in leaders being fatigued and burned out as they are overwhelmed by the number of obligations – this fact was reported by nearly a half of them. This also leads to a decrease in the number of members in organizations (“Non-profit sector in 2018″, Statistics Poland, 2020).

We plan to organize 25 meetings, 64 webinars, conduct a monitoring office, a #prosteNGO campaign as well as to develop “Theses on simplifications”, that is a collection of changes suggested in the most important acts regulating social activities.

Our activities will result in engaging at least 100 local organizations in activities aimed at simplifying formalities in social activities, thus, increasing their organizational potential to i.a. conduct activities in the area of monitoring and advocacy.

Our partner, the Polish Robert Schuman Foundation, is more experienced in cooperating with large entities and institutions, also with public administration – both national and European. Due to the above-mentioned experience, the Partner conducts the office of law monitoring, which is located in Warsaw, the Partner is also responsible for promoting and organizing a project kick-off meeting.

The organisation received an additional grant of EUR 10 000,00, under the Stronger Voice call, for the dissemination of the products and results achieved in the implemented project.

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