We invite persons representing non-governmental organisations dealing with women’s rights in politics (both local and national), in the broadly understood public sphere and in the collective memory of a given community, in the labour market, in the area of reproductive rights and bodily self-determination to take part in the visit.
The visit will take place from 28.06-1.07 2023 and will consist a series of meetings with people representing civil society organisations and public institutions from Liechtenstein, including:
- Office for Foreign Affairs (https://www.llv.li/inhalt/114773/amtsstellen/english-version),
- Office for Equal’s Opportunity Office (https://www.equalitylaw.eu/country/liechtenstein),
- LI Institut (https://www.liechtenstein-institut.li/),
- Love.li (https://www.love.li/vorarlberg/ueber-uns/loveli/wer-wir-sind.html),
- Uni Liechtenstein (https://www.uni.li/de),
- AIBA (https://www.aiba.li/).
The study visit is organised together by the Active Citizens Fund – National and Active Citizens Fund – Regional programmes in cooperation with the Representation of the Principality of Liechtenstein to the European Union. The organisers cover all costs associated with participation in the visit, including travel, accommodation, simultaneous translation from German, meals and travel insurance.
To participate in the visit, please complete the recruitment form found HERE no later than 29 March 2023. One person from each organisation is welcome to participate.
If you have any questions or comments, please contact the bilateral and regional cooperation coordinators:
- for persons representing organisations that are Project Promoters or partners in projects funded by the Active Citizens Fund – National Programme: Anna Fedas ([email protected], +48 791 413 200),
- for persons representing other organisations: Ewa Stokłuska ([email protected], +48 720 801 013).
You can read more about the situation of women’s rights in Liechtenstein in the publications below and learn from the recording of a webinar on women’s rights in Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein and the Czech Republic which was held on 8 December 2020.
Liechtenstein in numbers:
Basic information about Liechtenstein:
https://www.liechtenstein.li/en (tourism website)
https://www.regierung.li/default.aspx?lang=en (government’s website)
Women’s rights and the civic sector in Liechtenstein:
- https://aktywniobywatele.org.pl/o-sektorze-obywatelskim-w-liechtensteinie/
- https://www.llv.li/inhalt/114760/amtsstellen/frauenrechte
- https://www.menschenrechte.li/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/2018-17-05-CEDAW-Schattenbericht-final.pdf
- https://www.infra.li/application/files/6316/7454/6529/2022_GREVIO_Schattenbericht_final.pdf