
Workshop summarising bilateral and regional cooperation – report

The workshop was facilitated by an international team of trainers with many years of experience in intercultural cooperation (Diba Tuncer, Marta Gawinek-Dagargulia, Dawid Kiermut, Magda Latuch, Natalia Trambolecka). The programme of the workshop was designed not only to identify the causes of misunderstandings in international partnerships and to implement corrective measures for the future, but also to commemorate the end of the project and what it had achieved. The second day of the workshop allowed participants to say goodbye to the past, understood as actions or management habits that did not serve their organisation or their partner and that they therefore did not want to repeat. This farewell was followed by planning for future activities in the same or new partnerships.

And what did the participants think of the workshop?:

‘One of the key takeaways from the workshop that I plan to use in the near future is the framework for analysing project challenges in context: skills, roles, personality and culture, which was introduced during the exercise by one of the trainers. This approach helped me to see how these factors can affect team dynamics and project outcomes, especially in an international environment. I intend to use this framework in my current projects to better identify the causes of any problems and to promote more effective communication and collaboration between teams. It will be a valuable tool to improve both problem solving and team cohesion’.

The meeting was organised in cooperation with our sister programme Active Citizens Regional – Fund and was attended by people representing organisations: Rita Lindanger AS, Association For Education “Pomost”, Kłodzkie Towarzystwo Oświatowe, LEVEL UP Association, Miðja máls og læsis / Centre for Language and Literacy / Centrum umiejętności czytania i pisania, Fagskrifstofa Skóla- og frístundasviðs Reykjavíkurborgar / Reykjavík City Department of Education and Youth/ Wydział Edukacji i Rekreacji Urzędu Miasta Reykjavik, Skog & Mose naturopplevelser / Nina Alida Nordbø, Centre for Civic Advocacy, Fundacja Wymiany Kulturowej toTU toTAM, Subcarpathian Association for Active Families, The Woman for PLUS Association, Ás styrktarfélag, “Patchwork” Association, ART JUNCTION Foundation, Association for Cultural Education WIDOK, Stiftelsen Alternativ til Vold, Foundation for Educational Activities KReAdukacja, Non-Governmental Organizations Support Center, Stiftelsen Alternativ til Vold, Polsk-norsk forening Razem=Sammen, Polish Institute for Human Rights and Business, Bjerkaker LearningLab (BLL), Norsensus Mediaforum, Great Lakes and Wetlands Association, Arendal municipality/Norway (Arendal Adult Learning Centre), Women in Forestry Association, Forests and Citizens Foundation, O3 OUT OF ORDINARY, Fjellugla, HumanDoc Foundation, Foundation of Active People and Places, Instytut Zwinnej Edukacji No Grades School Foundation, “Rysy” Foundation, Víkurskóli Vík Iceland.

Photo: Daniel Kiermut


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