Migrants have right to have rights!
human rights
City (headquarters):
Voivodeship (headquarters):
06-11-2020 - 31-10-2022
Project cost:
79 753,87 EUR
73 053,74 EUR
Types of activities:
watchdog activities, intervention actions, legal support
Target groups:
decision makers, migrants

The project addresses problems concerning breach of foreigners’ rights, in particular those of refugees, and these relate to extending detention in secure facilities without legitimate grounds, limiting options for applying for international protection on the EU outer border, and disregard for procedures under the Return Directive.

The project envisages intervention and monitoring. Intervention will consist of operating a legal advice center for refugees and immigrants. The center will be open five days a week, with on-site counselling but also a call-out option, depending on needs and where foreigners are residing. Lawyers will intervene in cases of foreigners placed in secure facilities, in deportation cases, and when difficulties arise concerning applying on the border for international protection.

At the same time, the project will comprise monitoring, at the level of operation of the system, of observance of foreigners’ rights with respect to access to asylum procedures, detention in secure facilities, and return procedures. The project team will produce legal opinions, three reports, and amicus curiae pleadings for court cases. These papers will be submitted to the institutions responsible for formation of immigrant policy and application of the law with regard to foreigners.

The results of the monitoring and the intervention findings will be discussed at two seminars for organizations that implement immigrant policy in Poland and for members of the media.

At the same time, 144 foreigners will receive legal aid due to intervention performed by four lawyers at the Foundation.

We use the grant for capacity building

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