
Results of call for proposals in a nutshell

Results of calls for proposals in a nutshell

The Active Citizens Fund – National Programme provides support for Polish CSOs by providing grants for four outcomes: Citizen participation in civic activities, human rights and antidiscrimination practices, empowerment of vulnerable groups, and development of the civic sector.

In 2020-22, there were six calls for proposals under the Active Citizens Fund – National Programme, for grants for CSOs, of which four were funded using EEA grants (thematic and sectoral projects) and two were funded using Norway grants (capacity building and the Media for Democracy calls). 3 300 project outlines were submitted in the calls, of which 893 were accepted for stage II – detailed projects. The procedure involves assessment of applications by 158 experts (a list of the experts can be found HERE).

506 grants were awarded, of a value of EUR 28 950 971, including 193 for civic activities, 119 for human rights and antidiscrimination practices, 128 for empowerment of vulnerable groups, 38 for support for the civic sector, and 22 organisational grants. Six grants were awarded in the Media for Democracy call. 468 organisations were awarded grants.   

OutcomeNumber of projects/grants awardedValue of grants awarded
Outcome 1: Citizen participation in civic activities (calls I and II)193 (102 small grants, 91 large grants)

8 959 255 EUR
Outcome 2: Human rights and antidiscrimination practices (calls I and II)119 (56 small grants, 63 large grants)6 012 760 EUR
Outcome 3: Empowerment of vulnerable groups (calls I and II)128 (67 small grants, 61 large grants)6 007 896 EUR
Outcome 4.a Support for development of the civic sector - sectoral projects324 194 152 EUR
Outcome 4.b Support for development of the civic sector - sectoral projects concerning advocacy and monitoring6800 908 EUR
Outcome 4.c Support for development of the civic sector - organisational grants222 168 835 EUR
Obszar 4. d Wsparcie Outcome 4.d Support for development of the civic sector – the Media for Democracy call6807 165 EUR
TOTAL50628 950 971 EUR

Eight organisations did not claim grants (an agreement for the grant was not signed) and six returned the grant in full. Nine organisations on the reserve list were awarded grants. As a result, 501 projects received funding under the programme, including 192 for civic activities, 115 for human rights and antidiscrimination practices, 126 for empowerment of vulnerable groups, 37 for support for the civic sector, and 23 organisational grants. Eight grants were awarded in the Media for Democracy call. 455 organisations* were awarded grants of a total value of EUR 28 920 651.

OutcomeNumber of projects/grants awardedKwota przyznanych dotacji
Outcome 1: Citizen participation in civic activities (calls I and II)192 (101 small grants, 91 large grants)
8 931 793 EURR
Outcome 2: Human rights and antidiscrimination practices (calls I and II)115 (53 small grants, 62 large grants)5 852 526 EUR
Outcome 3: Empowerment of vulnerable groups (calls I and II)126 (66 small grants, 60 large grants)5 902 901 EUR
Outcome 4.a Support for development of the civic sector - sectoral projects315 902 901 EUR
Outcome 4.b Support for development of the civic sector - sectoral projects concerning advocacy and monitoring6800 908 EUR
Outcome 4.c Support for development of the civic sector - organisational grants 232 257 835 EUR
Obszar 4. d Wsparcie Outcome 4.d Support for development of the civic sector – the Media for Democracy call81 106 604 EUR
TOTAL50128 920 651 EUR

*Data as of the end of August 2023. The final number of completed projects and value of grants used will be known once all of the projects in the Programme are completed, at the end of 2024.

We recommend our project finder. This contains details of all of the projects in progress and completed.

Detailed results of call I for thematic projects:


Detailed results of call II for thematic projects:


Detailed results of the call for sectoral projects:


Detailed results of the call for sectoral projects concerning advocacy and monitoring:


Detailed results of the call for organisational grants:


Detailed results of the Media for Democracy call:


Bilateral cooperation  

In 51 thematic and sectoral projects, Project Promoters entered into bilateral cooperation with entities from Donor States; three projects are in progress and conducted with a partner from Iceland and Norway, 33 with a Norwegian partner, 14 with an Icelandic partner, 3 in a Norwegian/Icelandic partnership, and one with a partner from Liechtenstein.

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