Warsztaty „V4 Advocacy Workshop” w Czechach
20 kwietnia 2022

Zapraszamy osoby reprezentujące Grantobiorców programu Aktywni Obywatele – Fundusz Krajowy do wzięcia udziału w „V4 Advocacy Workshop” – warsztatach na temat rzecznictwa skierowanych do organizacji społecznych z Krajów Wyszehradzkich (Czechy, Słowacja, Polska, Węgry), które odbędą się w dniach 13-16 czerwca w miejscowości Kutná Hora (niedaleko Pragi).

Wydarzenie organizuje Advocacy Forum of OSF Prague oraz VIA IURIS, we współpracy z Open Society Fund Bratislava.
Kraje naszego regionu mają podobne doświadczenia, kulturowe i historyczne tło oraz współdzielą niektóre wyzwania związane z aktualną sytuacją polityczną. Dlatego warto dzielić się doświadczeniami i wspólnie zastanawiać jak  skutecznie zajmować się rzecznictwem. Inicjatywa skierowana jest przede wszystkim do organizacji, które mają doświadczenie w temacie rzecznictwa – w tym organizacji, które już wdrażają rzecznicze aktywności, prowadzą kampanie społeczne, działania informacyjne i działania na rzecz zmian systemowych w wybranych obszarach życia społecznego.

Zgłoszenia przyjmujemy do 5 maja 2022 za pomocą formularza online.


  • Udział w wydarzeniu jest bezpłatny: wszystkie koszty związane z uczestnictwem w warsztatach zostaną pokryte przez czeskiego i polskich operatorów programu Aktywni Obywatele.
  • Warsztaty będą odbywały się w całości w języku angielskim, bez tłumaczenia. Znajomość języka angielskiego w stopniu umożliwiającym swobodne wypowiadanie się jest więc niezbędnym warunkiem do wzięcia udziału w warsztatach.
  • Zgodnie z intencją organizatorów, zachęcamy do zgłaszania się 2 osób z jednej organizacji.

W razie pytań prosimy o kontakt z koordynatorką współpracy dwustronnej i regionalnej w Programie Aktywni Obywatele – Fundusz Krajowy (Anna Fedas, [email protected], tel.+48 791 413 200 ).

V4 Advocacy Workshop

When: June 13th  – June 16th, 2022

Where: Kutná Hora (about 1 hour from Prague)

Are you part of an advocacy campaign on a national or local level? Would you like to learn more about effective tools that can help you plan and implement your advocacy strategy? Would you like to share your experience and learn from others doing similar work from V4 countries? Then our workshop is for you.

We are looking for representatives of civil society organizations that are engaged in advocacy campaigns and efforts for systemic change in V4 countries to join us in a four-day workshop. It will take place in the charming, historic town of Kutná Hora.

We will cover the following topics on how to:

  1. analyze a problem, includingitsroots and consequences
  2. choose and define a specificadvocacygoal
  3. identifykeypoliticalactorsthathave influence
  4. definedemands and activitiestowardsidentifiedpoliticalactorsThe participants will vote on a number of the topics that will be worked on over the course of the The topics will be determined by you. At the end of the workshop you will have a set of finished advocacy strategies. There will be time for group mutual discussion, feedback among the participants and from the lecturers.The program of our workshop will also include inspirational speakers and time for sharing your own experiences.We will also take advantage of the opportunities of the historic town Kutná Hora and you can look forward to some local tours and historical sites so you will get to know the town better.We would like to encourage you to register two representatives from one organization. One participant per organization is also welcome.

How to register:

In order to register, please fill in this form.

The number of participants is limited. We aim for about 5-6 representatives per country.

About us:

The workshop is organized by:

The Czech Advocacy Forum of OSF Prague (CZ). We provide consultations, workshops and trainings to civil society organizations working on the local and national level. Due to our work, organizations are more effective and professional in their advocacy campaigns.

VIA IURIS (SK). We use the law as an instrument of justice. We bring systemic solutions and promote the equal application of law for all.

The workshop is organized in collaboration with Open Society Fund Bratislava (SK).

Language: The workshop will be held in English. No translation will be provided.

Reimbursement and costs:

Active Citzens Fund National and Regional in Poland  will cover the following costs:

  1. Accommodationfor 3 nights.
  2. Travelcosts (as a reimboursement).

Active Citizens Fund operator in Czech Republic will cover the following costs:

  1. Trainings/workshops
  2. Coffeebreaks, lunches, and dinners.
  3. Lecturers:

    Štěpán Drahokoupil
    Štěpán is a program specialist at the Czech Advocacy Forum of OSF Prague. He works as a consultant and as a lecturer on advocacy. Previously he was in charge of the advocacy campaign for inclusive education in the Czech Republic, also for OSF Prague. He also served as an Assistant to Senator. Štěpán also works with the Via Foundation on a program that supports community leaders to become local representatives and externally teaches at Faculty of Arts, Charles University, where he completed his Ph.D. in political. 

    Katarína Batková 
    Katka Batková graduated from the Faculty of Law of the University of Trnava and also completed her doctoral studies in European law in 2011. She is currently the Executive Director of VIA IURIS, and has been active in the civil sector for more than 10 years. She participated in the establishment of the platform of civil organizations for the protection of the civic sector. Before she also worked as lawyer at a Legal Aid Centre and in various advocacy campaigns. She also worked as an assistant of the MP at Slovak Parliament, where she specialized on drafting legislation.

    Petr Machálek
    Petr studied sociology and political science at the Department of Environmental Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, Masaryk University in Brno and is a long-term collaborator of OSF Prague. He worked as the director of the Friends of the Earth and as the director of the civic association Ratolest Brno. He co-founded and led the Coalition for Easy Donation, which focuses on removing barriers in the area of individual fundraising. Since 2013, he has been working as a “freelance” facilitator, consultant, and lecturer for Czech and foreign non-governmental organizations. He focuses on topics related to planning and conducting civic campaigns, advocacy activities, fundraising, strategy development and organizational development in general. He participated in transformation projects in the post-soviet countries (Belarus, Ukraine, the countries of the South Caucasus, Moldova, etc.). He works externally with the VIA Foundation as a consultant for local civic initiatives and teaches at the Department of Environmental Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, Masaryk University in Brno. He serves as the chairman of the Ethics Committee of Green Circle – the Association of Ecological Organizations in the Czech Republic.The project is being supported by the Open Society Fund Prague and Open Society Foundation Slovakia from the Active Citizens Fund. The programme promotes citizens’ active participation in the public life and decision making and builds capacities of civil society organizations. The Active Citizens Fund is financed from the EEA and Norway Grants.

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