
Call for sectoral projects concerning advocacy and monitoring activities

Grants are available for activities concerning monitoring of formulation of the law and the practice of enforcing the law and public policies affecting the operations of social organisations and civic movements, and advocacy for rights and interests to improve the conditions in which social organisations and civic movements operate. Projects can last between twelve and thirty months, and there is no required contribution.

Projects can be implemented by the Applicant acting alone or in cooperation with Partners based in Poland or elsewhere. Each organisation applying for a grant for a project will also be able to receive an additional grant for capacity building, namely for team-building, improving skills, raising funds for its activities, and improving management.

Applications must be submitted using the Online Application System.

The full text of the “Call for applications”, and “Applicant and Project Promoter Guide”, other documents concerning the call for projects, and information about scheduled online training sessions can be found HERE.

The decision on the grants awarded will be made by 31 May 2021.


The second call for thematic projects is now closed

The project outlines are now being reviewed to check that they fulfil administrative requirements. A list of the projects accepted for content-related assessment will be published soon. Each application will be assessed by two or three experts. Following the content-related assessment, a list will be provided of the organisations invited to submit a detailed project. These will be submitted between 8 March and 19 April 2021. Good luck to all of the Applicants!

More information about the second call can be found HERE.

Results of the call for sectoral projects

Our sincere congratulations to those organisations that were awarded grants! All Applicants can now, even today, review the assessment sheets for their application by logging on to the Online Application System.

Organisations that did not receive funding can apply for grants in another call for sectoral projects, for monitoring or advocacy activities. The call will be announced by the end of this January. They can also take part in the second call, which is now being held for thematic projects. Project outlines for this call must be submitted by midday on 11 January. Also, our sister fund, the  Active Citizens Fund – Regional Programme, will be launching calls for projects implemented in areas other than Warsaw.

Who was awarded grants in the call for sectoral projects – you are welcome to review the ranking.


Grants for sectoral projects were awarded to all organisations whose applications were given a score of more than 18. Out of the applications awarded 18 points, funding was awarded for four, and one was placed on the reserve list.

The minutes of meetings of the Selection Committee and Programme Committee are provided below:

Selection Committee meeting minutes

Programme Committee meeting minutes


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