Active Citizens Days 2021- ruszyła rekrutacja
08 lutego 2021

Jesteś działaczem/działaczką lokalnej organizacji społecznej zajmującej się prawami człowieka? Jeśli tak, to mamy dla Ciebie ciekawą ofertę – możesz wzmocnić swoje kompetencje i wymienić się doświadczeniami w gronie osób reprezentujących podobne organizacje z 17 innych krajów europejskich !

W ramach programu “Active Citizens Days 2021” możesz wziąć udział w serii warsztatów online (od marca do sierpnia 2021) oraz spotkaniu podsumowującym w Oslo (jesień 2021). Oferta czeka na działaczy i działaczki organizacji zajmujących się prawami człowieka, pochodzących z Państw-Darczyńców i Państw Beneficjentów programu Aktywni Obywatele.

Udział w programie jest bezpłatny. Wymagana jest dobra znajomość języka angielskiego (język roboczy programu) i motywacja do uczenia się. Więcej informacji oraz zasady uczestnictwa w programie znajdziecie poniżej:

Dear local human rights NGOs representatives,

we would like to invite you to take part in the online and offline capacity building programme called “Active Citizens Days 2021” that will take place online (from March to August 2021) and will end in the concluding event in Oslo (providing travels will be possible).

What is the aim and the results of the programme?

The aim for the “Active Citizens Days 2021” is to give the opportunity for organizations from Beneficiary States (Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Latvia Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Rumania, Slovakia, Slovenia) and Norway to come together, learn and discuss issues that they have in their organizations and in their work, especially in relation to specific challenges for building capacity of local/ grassroots human rights NGOs.

The expected outcomes from the programme are:

– raised awareness in dealing with capacity building issues;

– raised awareness about different strategies applied by organizations in relation to capacity building;

– raised cooperation among participating organizations for possible future partnerships.

What is the agenda of the programme?

The participation in the “Active Citizens Days 2021” will require involvement of all selected participants in monthly zoom meetings (1 meeting per month, altogether 6 meetings) on different topics. Each meeting will include presentations and work groups, approx 4 hours each meeting:

March 2021 – Connecting month – online facilitated meeting that puts together organisations involved in the process from Norway and beneficiary states and creates the context in which they can share important aspects related to their work, a meeting out of which we will extract ideas about their needs of capacity building. ”Homework” to be given for the next meeting.

April 2021Crisis management month – online meeting with Norwegian and beneficiary state organisations + expert(s) on the topic from NO or international = discussions and methodologies on how to deal with crisis situations, especially in the pandemic reality (with use of the homework as material for discussions). ”Homework” to be given for the next meeting.

May 2021 – Constituency month – online meeting with Norwegian and beneficiary state organisations + expert(s) on the topic from Norway or international = discussions and methodologies on how to create more followers/ engage people more into the work of the organisations (with use of the homework as material for discussions). ”Homework” to be given for the next meeting.

June 2021 – Campaigning month – online meeting with Norwegian and beneficiary state organisations + expert(s) on the topic from Norway or international = discussions and methodologies on how to effectively run human rights campaigns, especially at local level (with use of the homework as material for discussions). ”Homework” to be given for the next meeting.

July – August 2021 – Practice months = based on the meetings we have we give out some more “homeworks” for them to put into practice before the meeting

Meeting in Oslo for all participants in September/October 2021.

Who can participate? How many places are there for participants from Poland and what are the main rules for participation?

There are in total 3 places for participants from Poland, open for representatives of NGOs active in the area of human rights. Only one application per organization can be submitted in this call.

The priority to participate will be given to Applicants representing organizations who:

– are less-experienced or have recently started their activitites

– have low access to participation in similar programmes

– are active in outcomes or/and priorities areas of the Active Citizens Fund – Regional (https://aktywniobywatele-regionalny.org.pl/en/about-the-programme/) and/or the Active Citizens Fund – National (https://aktywniobywatele.org.pl/en/programme-at-a-glance/)

As the working language of the programme will be English, good knowledge of this language is a prerequisite and the application form must be submitted in English.

What is going to be expected from the participants?

  • good verbal and written communication skills in English
  • active participation in all online meetings listed above and the meeting in Oslo (if it will be organized onsite)
  • general openness for learning and sharing in the international environment.

Who is the organizer? Is the participation free of charge? Who is financing the programme?
The main organizer of the Process is the Norwegian Contact Point run by the Norwegian Helsinki Committee.

Participation in the programme is free of charge.

Cost of the trip to Oslo (travel and accommodation costs) will be covered by the Active Citizens Fund – National and Active Citizens Fund – Regional, while all costs of the meeting onsite will be covered by the NHC.

How to apply?

In order to apply please fill in the recruitment application available under the following link: REGISTARTION (in English).

Deadline of submitting applications is 21st February 2021.

Where can I get more information and ask questions?

In order to get more information, please contact Anna Fedas ([email protected], 22 536 02 41) or Ewa Stokłuska ([email protected], 720 801 013).

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